Monday 25 December 2017

6 Cannabis Gifts for Stoners This Christmas

No matter how you relate with your fellow stoners, there are several weed gifts for you to surprise them with. Our creative suggestions are pocket-friendly and will give you a special place in the heart of whoever you send to. Also, you can easily place an order with a
marijuana California company to get them delivered hassle-free.
If it happens that most of the important people in your life smoke weed, you need buy special Christmas weed gifts from marijuana dispensaries and reward them for being there for you. PotValet has plenty of marijuana products that can be presented as gifts to weed lovers. They have so many of them because they know people have different needs and tastes.
A good gift doesn’t necessarily have to be very expensive but should be creative and personalized.

Smoking Paraphernalia

Every stoner will appreciate a bong, vaporizer, hookah or any other smoking paraphernalia as a gift. Good thing is these gifts are perfect for all price ranges and universally acceptable for stoners.
There are several bog creations that you could present to someone as a memorable gift. If you are not on tight budget, you can present them with a decent vaporizer from an online marijuana dispensary. You can be creative enough to invite your friend for a smoking session on this special day with their new piece.

A Home-made Christmas Hamper

In case you have never known, it can be great fun building hampers provided you have all the required things including cannabis-infused honey, wines, cheeses, hampers, cannabis cupcakes, cannabis chocolate, and cannabis-infused coconut oil.
You don’t have to spend a lot to build a hamper; provided you have a stock of marijuana, you only need to infuse it into things around and get it shipped by a marijuana delivery agent.

A Cannabis Cookbook

One of the things that most cannabis lovers cannot without is food, and plenty of it. If you know a stoner that really loves eating, why not give him or her a weed cookbook?
Books can be quite expensive and you may be on tight budget, in this case, you can collect plenty of cannabis recipes online and mail to them. You can send electronically or print out and have them shipped, the choice is yours to make. Remember to provide information where they can get the ingredients and the best cannabis delivery companies for their area.

Bud Sampler Gift pack

If you grow different strains of cannabis or can afford to buy many different strains from marijuana dispensaries near me, you can collect the strains and send them to a stoner. You don’t have to send a lot of weed, for example; you can take one gram each of the five strains from cannabis dispensaries near me and send five grams with a variety to choose from.

Rolling Equipment and Material, and Blunt Wraps

One fun part with weed smoking is rolling. You can appreciate a burner with a rolling board, raw rolling papers king size, filter tips, rolling tray, blunt wraps or any other rolling material or equipment from a weed delivery company.
You can even invite them to roll and smoke the herb during Christmas. Come on, you have a right to experiment on this special day as it comes only annually!
Cannabis Seeds

I know this sounds a joke, but try and you will be amazed by the results. After several weeks, there are high chances your friend will gift you with home-grown marijuana. In such case, do you thank your friend, or yourself?
This gift is more of an investment as you guarantee yourself supply of weed in a few months and you won’t always have to visit weedshop near me. Be sure to choose wisely based on factors such as the climate where they would grow it.

Cannabis gifts are a perfect way to appreciate other stoners, and who know maybe as you plan to surprise them, they are too. The fun part is when they receive the gift they may invite you for a smoking session with it. Cheer up guys, this is Christmas!

Saturday 18 November 2017

Is Weed Harmful For Nervous System?

Marijuana used for recreational and medical use comes from seeds, buds, roots, stems, and leaves of the marijuana plant. It has around 60 cannabinoids with its main compound ingredient being -9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.

Other People say marijuana smokers may encounter some side effects on the nervous system. This is when the psychoactive compounds found in marijuana THC in particular, enters the body and gets into the bloodstream; it gets into the brain and eventually coming across the natural cannabinoid receptors of the body. The THC then connects itself to these receptors in the nerve cells.

Marijuana users whose brain has not fully developed risk suffering from memory problems. When they age, neurons in the hippocampus are lost naturally leading to the memory problems, loss of sleep, impaired coordination and learning issues.

The hippocampus is one of the parts of the brain with high concentrations of cannabinoid receptors. This region manages short term memory hence marijuana use can hinder recollection of recent events. Other regions affected include the cerebellum and basal ganglia, responsible for control coordination and involuntary muscle movements respectively. When someone abuses marijuana, impaired motor skills, mood alterations, distorted time and sensory perception, decreased memory, and trouble thinking clearly and solving problems are all common short-term side effects.

Cannabis has over 480 natural components. Once injected to the body, terpenes natural chemicals give patients relief from their pain. The special receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps to modulate the functions of the body, including sleep, appetite, anxiety levels, and cognition. The ECS is connected to the immune and the nervous system.

Various studies that have been carried out on cannabis show that it has neiroprotective effects hence it support the health of spinal cord and the brain. It also helps in treating of various Central Nervous System disorders. Cannabis has cannabinoids that comprises of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The two substances have shown that they can effectively offer protection to neurons and astrocytes damage, modulate inflammatory reaction and assist in neuroregeneration.

The cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) of the endocannabinoid  system, are activated by CBD and THC which plays a significant regulatory role in health. The upregulation of the endocannabinoid system has shown to lessen the extremity of symptoms like muscle spasms andneuropathic pain thus slowing down the progression of central nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, , Alzheimer’s disease among others.  Studies also indicate that seizures caused by epilepsy, spasms experienced by those with multiple sclerosis and the neurological damage caused by spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries can be reduced by cannabinoids.

A condition referred to as endocannabinoid deficiency is caused by shortage of endocannabinoids which causes diseases that have to do with the immune and nervous system. Conditions include pain, inflammation, and nausea. These molecules are important for balance and good health.

There is a strong attraction of the THC that binds with cells in the glands, gonads, brain, connective tissue, and the central nervous system’s CB1 receptors. This is why when consuming cannabis with a higher amount of THC has such a potent effect. It can relieve pain symptoms, nausea or depression, giving lifestyle users a strong sense of euphoria. THC is effective for those going through chemotherapy, as well as conditions that cause inflammation, such as lupus and arthritis.

If CBI is more than average in a patient then they will be extremely sensitive to THC. However, if a patient has less than the average number of receptors, such as CB2 it will cause the person to experience little therapeutic effects to CBD. In this case, the person may need to consume greater amounts or add THC and terpenes that target other receptors.

University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, conducted a research on long-term marijuana users but their analysis failed to reveal considerable systematic effect on the neurocognitive functioning of users. The study which sampled 704 long-term marijuana users and 484 non users revealed very little evidence of deleterious effects and small effect of learning new information, said the study's senior author, Igor Grant.